Mr Bug has unveiled its colourful new counter display unit that will be heading out to discerning independent pet stores and nationwide pet food chains, pubs, delis, farm and coffee shops from the beginning of February 2023.
Pet store acolytes of Mr Bug’s all-natural Devon-baked treats will gain priority access to this all-singing shelf display by simply placing a minimum order of 10 units per flavour (40 units in total).
With significant numbers of leading dog treats still needlessly riddled with unwelcome calories, synthetic nasties, lazy fillers, Mr Bug was determined in 2022 to launch a sustainable offer of Devon-farmed mealworms baked with an array of beneficial nutritious ingredients: beetroot, parsnips, sweet potato honey, peanut butter and vegan cheese.
Historically entovegan thinking within the UK pet scene has been dominated by unsavoury black fly larvae which were originally grown very much with cattle feed in mind. The only problem with championing black fly larvae is that the resulting taste is not only more bitter than a medium-sized bag of plump limes, it’s also awash with unwelcome saturated fats.
In stark contrast, Mr Bug’s epicurean-orientated dog treats made with nutritious mealworm powder offer an alluring nutty twang in conjunction with an array of highly prized nutritional benefits: more calcium than milk, more B12 than salmon, more iron than spinach and access to all 9 amino acids.
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Article written by Purple Pilchard
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