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How we've reinvented dog treats using the mealworm

We use only the absolute finest quality of healthy insect protein in our treats, something we are able to achieve by breeding our own mealworms right here on our farm in Devon!


As well as the health benefits they provide the environmental benefits of switching to mealworm protein are immensely significant. This is because they have the incredible ability to recycle plant waste materials of low quality into a high-quality healthy feed in a short time frame. 

Unlike other insect larvae mealworms are naturally clean and odourless with a light nutty flavour and of all the major edible insects, mealworms contain the most protein. They also require lower temperatures to thrive, meaning that they use even less energy to produce.


This sets them out as the healthiest and most delicious but also the most sustainable dog treats the UK has seen!

Mealworm protein is as beneficial as milk protein

A recent study by Maastricht University has conclusively proven that mealworms are as beneficial as the 'gold standard' milk protein. 

Both the humble mealworm, and the finest milk protein available have the same positive impact on digestion, absorption and on the ability to stimulate muscle production.

​Today, mealworm protein can be seen as the only protein source in the world which is able to combine performance and health with naturalness and sustainability. 

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Good for humans, good for pets

The mealworm has recently become the first ever insect protein in Europe to be approved as safe for human consumption.

In a breakthrough moment in the fight for sustainability The European Food Safety Authority has published its first scientific study into protein and found that the mealworm, as used in our delicious Bug Bites, is actually entirely safe for humans to consume too! But leave some for your pets!

The future of pet food is here

There has never been a more important time to reduce our carbon pawprint than today and if the benefits of switching aren't already clear enough then we want to encourage you to try our Bug Bites today.


We are so confident in our tried and tested formula that if your pooch doesn't find them 100% delicious then you can return them for a full refund. 

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